The president of Karolinska Institutet Annika Östman Wernerson gives a welcome speech followed by opening remarks from Johan Pehrson, Minister for Education, Sweden, at the conference Rethinking Creativity in Education –…
The president of Karolinska Institutet Annika Östman Wernerson gives a welcome speech followed by opening remarks from Johan Pehrson, Minister for Education, Sweden, at the conference Rethinking Creativity in Education –…
Peter Gärdenfors, Professor in Cognitive Science, Department of Philosophy, Lund University. Humans are the meaning-seeking creatures. We have rich inner worlds that allow us to reason, remember, fantasize and create. A…
Editor Schwartz Research Journey, a schoolprogram in collaboration between Berättarministeriet and Karolinska Institute. András Simon, Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet and Axel Eklund, Director of Story &…
Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at OECD. 20 years of experience to improve quality and equity in education, for example with PISA and other international instruments that have…
Kenneth Nally, Curriculum and Assessment Policy Unit, Ministry of Education, Ireland and Jennifer Buggie, Teacher and Advisor for the Integration of Creativity and the Arts in Education, Ireland, provide examples…
Mara Krechevsky, Senior Researcher at Project Zero, an educational research group at Harvard University. The Municipal Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres of Reggio Emilia, Italy, are arguably the most powerful experiment…
Ronald Beghetto, Pinnacle West Presidential Chair and Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University. Four key decisions in process of transforming creative potential into creative action in and…
Anders Ynnerman, Professor of scientific visualization and Head of the Division of Media and Information Technology (MIT), Linköping University. Recorded at the conference Rethinking Creativity in Education – A Solution…
Yulia Kovas, Professor of Genetics and Psychology, Kings College London; Director of InLab. Creativity is a complex human phenomenon, and therefore is a product of complex interplay between genetic and…
Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning and Director at Centre of Real-World Learning University of Winchester. In 2024 the global testing body PISA shared the results of the first ever test…