Rethinking Creativity

Theme: Creativity – genes, environments and chance

Yulia Kovas, Professor of Genetics and Psychology, Kings College London; Director of InLab. Creativity is a complex human phenomenon, and therefore is a product of complex interplay between genetic and environmental processes. Hear Yulia explore what we know from twin studies and molecular genetic studies on why people differ in creativity and the role of chance. The keynote is followed by a panel discussion together with Mara Krechevsky, Senior Researcher at Project Zero, Harvard University and Peter Gärdenfors, Professor in Cognitive Science, Department of Philosophy, Lund University, moderated by Duncan Crawford, Senior Content Manager at OECD Education and Skills Directorate. Recorded at the conference Rethinking Creativity in Education – A Solution for 21st Century Challenges? arranged by Berättarministeriet and Karolinska Institutet, 20-21 November 2024.

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